Does This Describe Alberta Progressives?

Barry Cooper of the University of Calgary has an interesting piece today in the Calgary Herald newspaper on California “Progressives.”

Cooper provides an interesting description and interpretation of his perception of the progressive mindset of California progressives.  I have to say, he may be right about Californians, I can’t say one way or the other.  I do know however, his description of a Californian progressive does not apply to Alberta progressives.

We have research to show that Alberta progressives are 88% respected Influentials and we are not all that happy with the way Alberta is governed.    We tend to be more ambivalent about the advantages of staying in Alberta unless, of course, things change.  That said some 89% of Alberta’s progressives are committed to making things change to improve the future of Alberta and 68% believe our personal actions are making Alberta a better place.

Thanks to Alberta Rebooter Gloria Wells for bringing the Herald story to my attention.